Более того, предполагается опубликовывать сведения о размерах и номинальной стоимости долей в уставном капитале общества, о полученных лицензиях, о филиалах и представительствах юридического лица и т.д. По проекту приказа информация о государственной регистрации будет обновляться каждый день. Приказ вступит в силу по истечении 3-х месяцев после дня его официального опубликования.
On a site of the Ministry of Finance the project the order on the statement of structure of data on the state registration of the organisations, the individual businessmen who are subject to placing on site ФНС of Russia www.nalog.ru is published. According to it in the Internet will be published not only the data about the companies (full and the abbreviated name, the organizational-legal form, the address, ОГРН, etc.), but also data on founders (participants) of the legal person, and also on the director of the company. Following data are subject to placing: ФИО and a post of the person having the right without the power of attorney to operate on behalf of the legal person, passport data of such person or the data of other documents proving the identity according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, and identification number of the tax bearer at its presence. Besides, it is supposed to publish data on the sizes and a face-value of shares in a society authorised capital stock, about the received licences, about branches and representations of the legal person etc. According to the project of the order the information on the state registration will be daily updated. The order will come into force after three months after day of its official publication.
Теги: экономика,Паспортные данные,налогообложение,новости бухучета,бухгалтер,ндс,прибыль,отчетность,административная проверка,пфр,ндфл,макроэкономика,bubux-nsk,account
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