По словам главы думского Комитета по гражданскому, уголовному, арбитражному и процессуальному законодательству, Россия уже обогнала Европу по объему частного жилья (сейчас в стране больше 80% частной недвижимости). А, кроме того, люди, которые хотели приватизировать свои квартиры, уже успели это сделать.
Legislators do not intend to prolong free privatisation of habitation after March, 1st, 2013, «the Russian newspaper» writes. The chairman of committee of the State Duma has informed On it under the civil, criminal, arbitration and remedial legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov in interview. On a question of the correspondent of the newspaper on, whether free privatisation will be prolonged after March, 1st, Pavel Krasheninnikov has answered: «Is not present. And sense?». According to the head of the Duma Committee of the civil, criminal, arbitration and remedial legislation, Russia has already overtaken Europe on volume of private habitation (now in the country of more than 80 % of private real estate). And, besides, people who wanted to privatise the apartments, already had time to make it.
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