Налоги можно уплатить через небанковскую организацию
Минфин полагает, что налоги, государственную пошлину, соответствующие штрафы в бюджет можно уплатить через небанковскую кредитную организацию. При условии, что эта организация имеет лицензию Центрального банка на проведение соответствующих операций.
It is possible to pay taxes through not bank organisation The Ministry of Finance believes that in the budget it is possible to pay taxes, the state tax, corresponding penalties through not bank credit organisation. Provided that this organisation has the licence of the Central bank for carrying out of corresponding operations. The letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from 06.09.12 № 03−02−08/81 «About payment of the state duty, taxes through not bank credit organisations» Question: whether It is possible to pay the state tax, other taxes and penalties in the budget of the Russian Federation through not bank credit organisations having the licence for transfer of money resources on the instructions of the physical person? The answer: In Department of a tax and customs-tariff policy with participation ФНС of Russia the reference of payment by physical persons of taxes, gathering (including the state tax), corresponding fines and penalties through not bank credit organisations is considered and the following is informed. Physical persons — tax bearers (payers of gathering, tax agents), according to the item of item 45 and 58 Tax codes of the Russian Federation (further — the Code), can pay taxes, gathering (including the state tax), corresponding fines and penalties through banks, and in the absence of bank — through cash desks of local administrations, the organisations of a federal mail service. According to items of item 1 and 2 items 11 of the Code institutes, concepts and terms civil, family and other branches of the legislation of the Russian Federation, used in the Code, are applied in that value in what they are used in these branches of the legislation if other is not provided by the Code. For the Code and other certificates of the legislation on taxes and tax collections banks commercial banks and other credit organisations having the licence of the Central bank of the Russian Federation admit. Concepts «the credit organisations», «not bank credit organisations» are defined item 1 of the Federal law from 12/2/1990 N 395−1 «About banks and bank activity». According to item 1 of specified article not bank credit organisations have the right to carry out bank operations, including transfer of money resources without bank account opening. We believe that physical persons have the right to pay taxes, the state tax, corresponding penalties in budgetary system of the Russian Federation through not bank credit organisation having the licence of the Central bank of the Russian Federation on carrying out of corresponding operations. The deputy director Department of the tax And the customs-tariff policy S.V.Razgulin 9/6/2012
Теги: экономика,налогообложение,новости бухучета,бухгалтер,ндс,прибыль,отчетность,административная проверка,пфр,ндфл,макроэкономика,bubux-nsk,account
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